I invested in a Vape ignition (formerly Powedynamo) system for my 1973 CT3..... I ordered it directly from the company in Czech Republic, but there are some vendors in the US that sell the system.
I paid $421, including shipping (February of 2023).
Czech republic
The system is fantastic in the bike and well worth the investment..... The bike runs better, starts easier, gives the abilty to run 12 volt LED lights (safer IMO) and has no points to mess with.
I will try and post pics of how I installed the system (alot of thanks goes to Mark T) including pics of Vape's installation manual (which is very poor)
Also will include pics of the bike with LED lights, which has been an incredible difference.

All of my old bikes are driving with VAPE (except the BSA). In Germany you will get it cheaper from some dealers or with a forum discout ;) No need to drive with battery :)
Hi Quatermaster. A question about your battery. It looks like a gel burgler alarm back up battery. Am I correct?
What AH is it and what's the ID code for it ? I bought a VAPE kit for my RT1B and I don't want to damage any original parts to fit it.
That is a pretty cool set up. It looks like you wouldnt have a dim headlight at idle rpm?
Kill Switch install:
Here are a few pics of the unit installed...... it is hard to see how I wired it all as a installe new wire sheathing etc, so I will describe in test what I did.
I added a new fuse in between the red wire from the vape System and the positive battery post.
Red wire form Vape system ALSO splits and is connected to the following three original Yamaha wires: Yellow, Green/Red and Green
Brown wire from Vape system goes to neagtive post of the battery (make srue that the negatove post is properly grounded)
Two black wires from new stator goes directly to the two Yamaha black wires
Connected the VAPE blue kill wire to the black to a handle bar mounted kill switch (see pic) that went to the original ignition coil
I left the original rectifier in place , which is connected to a double red wire and white
That's pretty bright . . . Perhaps double the light ???
Way Cool!
Thanks for posting all that info.
You made a good move, to order it directly from them. It saved you some money. I have seen some people, that buy the kits, and resell in the USA, at a higher price. They act like they are a dealer for vape, and act like you can't get it, unless you go thru them.
Atached are some pics of the bike with 12 volt LED lights: