Good evening from Germany
I´m thinking about replacing my rusty original springs from the thermal phase shocks with new springs (maybe YSS). Are there any experience what type from YSS will fit to the thermal phase shocks from my DT 360?
I measured the following: OD 55 mm, ID 43 mm, length 225 mm, wire thickness 7 mm, 16 windings.
New chrome for the rusty parts will cost nearly 200 $ in Germany :(
now finished all parts and the new springs will fit to the old thermal phase :)
Yesterday the new springs arrived. They look perfect. I begann on my lathe to make adapters because the ID an OD is larger than the original.
This is wonderful news . . . This might be a great help for others in the future, those who are having the same problem restoring their old bikes ! :)
Yss looks like a good option . . . I would contact them with your needs.
I may have a good used set if that would interest you.
I can look tomorrow